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Taishan Yunpeng New Materials Technology Co., Ltd

Taishan Yunpeng New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. is a high tech enterprise specializing in the manufacturing of modified plastics It is mainly engaged in research and development, production, and sales of conductive plastics It has a research and development team that integrates practice, thinking, and understanding, and has research and development personnel with document and master&# 39; S degrees It has been established with extensive industry university research cooperation relationships with various higher education institutions, such as Wuyi University, Sichuan University, and Beijing University of Chemical Technology South China University of Technology and others Taishan Yunpeng New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Taishan, Jiangmen, Pearl River Delta with convenient transportation

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东平县| 绵竹市| 桃源县| 衡阳县| 平乡县| 交城县| 台中市| 绿春县| 蓝山县| 嘉鱼县| 广丰县| 营山县| 雷州市| 茌平县| 永丰县| 专栏| 湖口县| 通河县| 时尚| 安阳县| 永新县| 黔江区| 台东市| 电白县| 五华县| 潞西市| 麻阳| 合水县| 昌江| 紫云| 武胜县| 黎平县| 沐川县| 永福县| 临潭县| 都兰县| 梁平县| 嵊州市| 通渭县| 常山县| 鲁甸县|