
Taishan conductive mica particles: what is mica powder

2022-06-08 1571

Mica powder is a non-metallic mineral deposit that contains multiple components, mainly SiO2, with a content generally around 49% and Al2O3 content around 30%. Mica powder has good elasticity and resistance. Insulation, high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, corrosion resistance, strong adhesion and other characteristics make it an excellent additive.


It is widely used in industries such as electrical appliances, welding rods, rubber, plastics, papermaking, paint, coatings, pigments, ceramics, cosmetics, and new building materials, with extremely wide applications. With the continuous development of science and technology, people have opened up new application fields.

Article source: Taishan conductive mica particles http://www.water-i.com

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