
The Five Characteristics of Color Masterbatch

2020-12-29 1498

Color masterbatch coloring - producing high concentration colored particle color masterbatch, then mixing the masterbatch with the plastic particles that need to be colored, and directly making plastic parts.

(1) Dispersive and good color masterbatch is a complex made by special processing of coloring agents and specific additives. In the process of preparing color masterbatch, the coloring agent has been well pre dispersed, which can prevent the presence of coarse particles of the coloring agent and thus eliminate the appearance of color spots in colored plastic products; When using color masterbatch for coloring, the uniformity of the color of plastic products is also relatively good.

(2) Convenient to use due to the good mixing performance between the color masterbatch and plastic particles, it can be uniformly mixed using commonly used ordinary mixing equipment or even manual mixing methods, making it very convenient for application.


(3) In addition to coloring agents, the color masterbatch in plastic products also contains carriers and other additives, which helps to reduce color differences. Therefore, the amount of color masterbatch added per unit of plastic is higher than that of ordinary coloring agents, resulting in smaller relative measurement errors and helping to reduce color differences during coloring.

(4) The labor conditions are better when using color masterbatch for coloring. The coloring agent has been combined with the carrier and other additives to form a granular form. During measurement and mixing processing, it will not fly, so it will not pollute the environment. Compared with dry coloring, it greatly improves the labor conditions.

(5) Changing colors is very convenient. Using color masterbatch for coloring will not pollute the mixing equipment. When changing colors, it can save the operation of cleaning the mixing equipment. Compared to dry coloring and paste coloring agents, it has the advantages of saving time and labor.

Article source: Taishan conductive mica particles


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