
Wet processing technology for black masterbatch

2020-11-02 1084

Usually, wet process technology is used for color masterbatch production. The color particles undergo water phase grinding, phase transformation, cleaning, drying, and granulation, ensuring the quality of this product. In addition, while grinding with pigments, a series of checks on the color masterbatch skills should be carried out, such as measuring the thickness of the sand grinding slurry, measuring the diffusion function of the sand grinding slurry, measuring the solid content of the sand grinding slurry, and measuring the color slurry viscosity.


Color masterbatch generally consists of three parts, without coloring occupational dispersants. After being mixed in a high-speed mixer, it cracks and is pulled into pellets. During the plastic processing of color masterbatch, it has obvious advantages such as high concentration, good dispersibility, and cleaning.

Article source: Taishan conductive mica particles


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