
The use of conductive and anti-static TPE plastics

2020-10-12 1126

Conductive and anti-static TPE plastic is a thermoplastic elastomer with anti-static properties. It has a wide range of uses in our daily lives. Let's first understand its functions. Firstly, anti-static TPE plastic has a comfortable hand feel and good sweat resistance, with a beautiful and high-end appearance; Wear resistant, scratch resistant, and excellent UV resistance, with seamless adhesive bonding; The data is environmentally friendly and safe, non-toxic and non irritating, fully accustomed to ergonomic requirements; Easy to process and color, accustomed to various types of adhesive packaging materials for softness and hardness; It can be well bonded with materials such as PC, ABS, and metal alloys, and can also be formed separately; We can customize corresponding hardness standards according to customer needs, which is convenient and sensitive.


So, with so many excellent functions of conductive and anti-static TPE plastics, in what field are they widely used.

Thermoplastic elastomer TPE plastic is widely used in automotive parts, such as car fenders, gear covers, door and window seals, gaskets, dust covers, foot pedals, motorcycles (bicycles), and handle packaging. There are also stationery items, such as erasers, pen cases, and pads. In medical equipment, for example: suction balls, instrument handles, wheels, straps, containers, gas masks, various pipe fittings, bottle stoppers. In footwear products, such as insoles and heel protectors. In terms of information components, for example: steering wheel, handle, mouse cover, padding, shell cover, and other soft and shock-absorbing parts, as well as sports equipment, for example: various types of grip, handle, hiking stick, skiing stick grip, electric grip with glue, and glasses leg covers.

Article source: Taishan conductive mica particles


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