
What fields are conductive plastics used in?

2020-07-13 1019

Conductive plastic is a functional polymer material that mixes resin and conductive substances and is processed using plastic processing methods. Not only has it been rapidly developed in anti-static additives, computer electromagnetic screens, and smart windows, but it also has broad application prospects in fields such as light-emitting diodes, solar cells, mobile phones, micro TV screens, and even life science research.

In addition, the combination of conductive plastics and nanotechnology will also play a driving role in the rapid development of molecular electronics. In the future, humans will not only greatly improve the computational speed of computers, but also reduce their size. Therefore, some people predict that future laptops can fit into watches.


It is generally believed that plastic has poor conductivity, so it is used to manufacture insulation jackets for wires. But Australian researchers have found that when a thin metal film is covered over a plastic layer and mixed with an ion beam onto the surface of a polymer, it can generate a low-cost, high-strength, durable, and conductive plastic film.

Article source: Taishan conductive mica particles


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