
What is the masterbatch in carbon black conductive masterbatch?

2020-05-15 1006

Masterbatch, also known as plastic masterbatch, is a plastic processing aid developed in the 1980s. It is composed of chemical aids, carrier plastics, and dispersants.

Masterbatch refers to the granular material produced by mixing, melting, extruding, and cutting various additives, carrier plastics, dispersants, etc. required for ease of operation in the plastic processing process. The ratio of masterbatch to carrier plastics needs to be adjusted, and then mixed, melted, extruded, and cut through an extruder. It is simply referred to as masterbatch.


Masterbatch can be divided into filling masterbatch and functional masterbatch. Filling masterbatch is mainly used for various plastic products, such as plastic films, plastic bottles, etc., to play a filling role and reduce costs. Functional masterbatch is a colorant used in the production process for universal color masterbatch, which can produce colorful fibers, wires and cables, household appliances, etc. It can also have anti UV function.

Article source: Taishan conductive masterbatch


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