
How to test the electrical resistivity of conductive plastics?

2020-05-15 1066

Many friends at work ask, how is the electrical resistivity of conductive plastics tested? To understand this, we need to first know what definition of resistivity is. Resistivity is a physical quantity used to represent the electrical resistance characteristics of various substances. The ratio of the product of the resistance and cross-sectional area of a component made of a certain substance (at room temperature of 20 ° C) to its length is called the resistivity of that substance. Electrical resistivity is independent of factors such as the length and cross-sectional area of a conductor, and is the electrical property of the conductor material itself. It is determined by the material of the conductor and is temperature dependent. Its international unit is Ω · m.


The formula for calculating the resistivity of conductive plastics is R= ρ L/S, where ρ It is the electrical resistivity, where L is the length of the material and S is the area. It can be seen that the resistance of a material is directly proportional to its length, that is, when the material and cross-sectional area remain constant, the longer the length, the greater the material resistance; and inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the material, that is, when the material and cross-sectional area remain constant, the larger the cross-sectional area, the lower the resistance.

Article source: Taishan conductive masterbatch


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