
What are the effects of excessive use of color masterbatch?

2020-10-16 1888

Color masterbatch, as a high concentration color mixture, can dye many products that are not easily dyed into the desired color. Because many pipe industries add some of this substance during the production and processing of pipes, which can make the color of the pipes colorful. But at the same time, a question arises: what impact will excessive use of this substance have?

1. The color masterbatch added in pipe processing is generally white or black, and excessive use can cause color deepening.


2. When adding color masterbatch in pipe processing, it will be accompanied by dispersant. Therefore, once overused, it will lead to a slight decrease in the performance of the pipe, but it will not have a significant impact.

3. Excessive use can lead to increased production costs for pipes.

So overall, excessive use of color masterbatch will not have any serious impact on the product, and at most, it will not cause any minor impact. Although it doesn't have much impact, it is still necessary to strictly control the amount when using it, so that the dosage is moderate and the effect is fully realized.

Article source: Taishan conductive mica particles


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