
Injection molding process of conductive and anti-static PC plastic

2020-08-10 1086

The conductive and anti-static PC plastic has excellent performance, good impact toughness, creep resistance, and a wide range of usage temperatures. The characteristic of conductive and anti-static PC technology is that the melt viscosity is less sensitive to shear rate, but more sensitive to temperature and has no significant melting point. We have summarized some precautions regarding the characteristics of conductive and anti-static PC plastics:

Firstly, it is necessary to increase the fluidity of the melt, not by increasing the injection pressure, but by increasing the injection temperature; Require the runner and gate of the mold to be short and thick to reduce fluid pressure loss; Before forming and processing, sufficient drying treatment should be carried out to control the water content below 0.02%; Other insulation measures should be taken to prevent moisture absorption from the beginning.


Article source: Taishan conductive mica particles


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