
What are the components of conductive plastics? Why can it conduct electricity?

2020-06-16 1144

Conductive plastic is a functional polymer material that mixes resin and conductive substances and is processed using plastic processing methods. Mainly used in the fields of electronics, integrated circuit packaging, electromagnetic wave shielding, etc.

Classification method for conductive plastics

1. According to electrical performance classification, it can be divided into: insulators, anti-static materials, conductors, and high conductors. Insulators are typically those with a resistance value above 1010 Ω· cm; A semiconductor or anti-static material with a resistance value within the range of 104 to 109 Ω· cm; A conductive body with a resistance value below 104 Ω· cm; A high conductor has a resistance value below 100 Ω· cm or even lower.

2. According to the production methods of conductive plastics, they can be classified into structural conductive plastics and composite conductive plastics. Structural conductive plastics, also known as intrinsic conductive plastics, refer to plastics that have inherent conductivity or have conductivity after chemical modification. The main conductive materials for structured polymers include:

(1) π - conjugated polymers, such as polyethylene, (Sr) n, linear polystyrene, layered polymers, etc;


(2) Metal polymers: such as polyketone phthalocyanine;

(3) Charge mobile polymer complexes, such as polycation and CQ complexes. The production cost and process difficulty of this type of polymer material are high, and there has not been a large-scale production yet. The widely used conductive polymer materials are generally composite polymer materials, and their filling materials mainly include:

a. Metal dispersion system; b. Carbon black series; c. Organic complex dispersion system.

3. According to different purposes, it can be classified into anti-static data, conductive data, and electromagnetic wave shielding data.

Article source: Taishan conductive mica particles


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