
What is ABS black conductive masterbatch?

2020-05-15 1007

The emergence and development of conductive masterbatch in the market is only recent years.

Of course, as is well known, it is also very difficult to get the big fat sheep of the conductive material market seasonally.

I used to think that many companies that needed to produce conductive and anti-static products used anti-static liquids to achieve anti-static effects.


The mechanism of action of anti-static agents has always been to use hydrophilic groups to adsorb water in the air for anti-static effect. And this type of anti-static agent is usually mainly liquid. Cheap price and increased convenience. However, because its anti-static effect is closely related to the humidity of the air, its function is greatly influenced by the climate. In other words, its anti-static function is unstable.

So, in the search for stability, we still focus on increasing conductive carbon black. Although the anti-static effect of conductive carbon black is relatively stable, it is more time-consuming and time-consuming in terms of processing technology, and has a greater impact on environmental pollution. Additionally, there are significant constraints on the color of the finished product - only black products can be made.

Gradually transitioning from conductive carbon black to electrochromic masterbatch. Of course, currently the color of conductive masterbatch is still mainly black, and conductive carbon black is used to achieve the function of conductivity and anti-static.

Black conductive color masterbatch is mainly composed of ABS material as the carrier, conductive carbon black and conductive synergists, etc., which make the electrical resistivity of the product reach 103-8, and is applied to ABS products.

Article source: Taishan conductive masterbatch


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