
Application of conductive plastics

2020-05-15 1050


Plastic solar cells

At present, scientists have developed a new type of plastic solar cell, which is naturally favored due to its low cost and lightweight. Its storage capacity is twice that of traditional alkaline batteries, and the voltage is even 100 times higher. In terms of charging, plastic solar cells can be said to be as fast as traditional batteries; And the power supply time is equally long. This type of battery is more stable to use and has a much longer lifespan, up to two and a half years. In the near future, plastic solar cells will undoubtedly have a wider range of applications

In short, conductive plastics can be applied in many aspects, such as electronic newspapers: experiencing the information age, the application of conductive materials in automotive oil circuits, worry free energy: plastic batteries, Samsung's launch of large engineering plastic LCD displays, a new generation of conductive polymers to replace chromium compounds, Atofena's launch of conductive nylon for automobiles, GE's launch of heat-resistant conductive resins, and the launch of conductive TPE new products in the United States.

Article source: Taishan conductive masterbatch


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