
What is a masterbatch? What are the current types of masterbatch?

2020-05-15 1292

What is a masterbatch? What are the current types of masterbatch?

Masterbatch is a newly developed product in recent years, mainly used in the plastic and fiber industries. It is a relatively good method for adding various additives in the product industry.


Masterbatch is composed of super constant chemical additives, carrier resins, and dispersants, which can be divided into many types according to the variety of additives. For example, multi-color masterbatch and various functional masterbatches, such as anti-static masterbatch, conductive masterbatch, filling masterbatch, flame retardant masterbatch, foaming masterbatch, antibacterial masterbatch, various agricultural masterbatches (anti-aging, preservation, anti fog drop, blue light conversion film), etc.

Article source: Taishan conductive masterbatch


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