
Application of anti-static masterbatch in injection molding

2020-05-15 1013

Anti static masterbatch is a type of masterbatch obtained by high-speed mixing of a carrier and an anti-static system, injection molding, extrusion molding, and cutting, used to reduce the surface resistance of materials. So what are the applications of anti-static masterbatch in injection molding?


Firstly, anti-static masterbatch has excellent anti-static performance, good stability, and processing performance, fundamentally solving the problem of vacuum suction in plastic products during injection molding. And due to its excellent insulation performance, it can be used to produce other anti-static products. Easy to operate and convenient to use. Due to its simple use, excellent performance, and stable quality, the application of anti-static masterbatch in injection molding is still significant.

Article source: Taishan conductive masterbatch


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