
What are the methods to improve the glossiness of color masterbatch?

2020-09-18 1127

The lack of glossiness in color masterbatch is due to the fact that manufacturers mostly care about manufacturing costs during production, and most of them use recycled materials. If there are more recycled materials, the resulting product will not have glossiness. Therefore, we need to find ways to improve its glossiness during use:

1. If PP is used as a carrier, 3% EBS can be added, which has a significant effect on improving gloss. It is necessary to add 0.5% CaSt and ZnSt to stabilize the molecular structure of PP during the molding process;

2. If the color masterbatch is used in injection molded products, 2% TiO2 or whitening agent can be added;


3. If applied in blow molding and film blowing, the simpler the formula, the better. However, it is necessary to increase the amount of dispersant to make it abundant and dispersing;

4. Pay attention to the small particle shape of the mixing material to increase production and prevent reverse feeding at the feeding port.

In addition to adding some additives in the application of color masterbatch, we can also improve its glossiness during the operation by reducing the dilution ratio and reducing the product water content, to meet the requirements of plastic products for glossiness.

Article source: Taishan conductive mica particles


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