
The dispersion effect of black masterbatch

2020-09-07 992

Black masterbatch has a dispersing effect, and together it is a good carrier. The dispersing effect is mainly reflected in the ability to evenly distribute pigments into the resin, while the carrier plays a crucial role in transportation. These two are closely connected.

The dispersion effect of black masterbatch mainly refers to further dispersing the pigment and stabilizing it in the resin. It is necessary to have good compatibility with the resin together, without affecting the quality of the colored product. Polyolefin masterbatch dispersants generally use low molecular weight polyethylene wax or zinc stearate. Engineering plastic masterbatch dispersants generally use polar low molecular weight polyethylene wax, magnesium stearate, calcium stearate, etc. The flowability of the black masterbatch carrier should be greater than that of the colored resin, and it should not affect the product quality after being colored together.


If a high melt index polymer of the same type is selected, the melt index of the masterbatch should be higher than that of the coated polymer to ensure a consistent color of the final product. LDPE (low-density polyethylene) resin is selected as the carrier for PE and PP masterbatch, while modified PS is selected as the carrier for PS and ABS masterbatch.

Article source: Taishan conductive mica particles


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