
Requirements for colorants used in the production of color masterbatches

2020-08-17 1034

Requirements for colorants used in color masterbatch

The colorants used in color masterbatch must pay attention to the coordination between the colorants, plastic raw materials, and additives. The key to their selection is as follows.

(1) Colorants should not react with resins and various additives, and have strong solvent resistance, low migration, and good heat resistance. That is to say, the color masterbatch cannot participate in various chemical reactions. Carbon black can control the curing reaction of polyester plastics, so it cannot be used as a carbon black material in polyester.

Due to the high processing temperature of plastic products, the colorants should not differentiate or change color under the heating temperature conditions. Inorganic pigments generally have good heat resistance, while organic pigments and dyes have poor heat resistance. This should be given sufficient attention when selecting types of pigments. Click on the bottom left corner to read the original text and purchase EC5011A breathable adhesive particles with just one click!


(2) The dispersion and coloring power of pigments should be good. Uneven dispersion of pigments can affect the appearance and function of the product; When the coloring power of pigments is poor, it will increase the amount of pigments used and increase the cost of materials. The dispersion and coloring power of the same color material in different resins are not the same, so this should be noted when selecting color materials.

The particle size of pigments is also related to their dispersibility. The smaller the particle size of pigments, the better their dispersibility and the stronger their coloring power.

(3) It is necessary to understand the other functions of colorants, such as the requirement that colorants should be non-toxic for plastic products used in food and children's toys; For plastic products used in electrical appliances, color materials with good electrical insulation should be selected; For outdoor plastic products, color materials with good weather aging resistance should be selected.

Article source: Taishan conductive mica particles


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