
Analysis of the causes of problems in the application of color masterbatch

2020-08-07 1067

Possible issues in the application of color masterbatch:

1. Under sunlight, plastic products can see striped pigment bands. Considering both the physical and mechanical properties of the plastic and the plastic molding process, the temperature of the injection molding equipment is not well controlled, and the color masterbatch cannot be fully mixed with the resin after entering the mixing chamber.

2. The injection molding machine did not apply a certain amount of back pressure, resulting in poor mixing effect of the screw. Increase the amount of material stored in the machine barrel.

3. Poor dispersion of color masterbatch or poor resin plasticization.

In terms of technology, the following adjustments can be made:

1. Raise the temperature of the mixing chamber near the discharge port slightly. Apply a certain amount of back pressure to the injection molding machine. If the above debugging still does not work well, it may be due to the dispersion or matching problem of the masterbatch and resin, and the masterbatch manufacturing department should be contacted to solve it.

2. After using a certain color masterbatch, the product appears more prone to cracking, which may be due to poor diffusion and mutual solubility caused by the poor quality of dispersants or additives used by the manufacturer, affecting the physical and mechanical properties of the product.

3. After using according to the proportion specified in the color master manual, the color is too dark (too light)


There are specific possibilities as follows:

1. Color masterbatch not carefully tested, with too little or too much pigment

2. Inaccurate measurement during use, with a large number of domestic enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, measuring at will

3. There is a problem with the matching between the color masterbatch and resin, which may be due to improper selection of the carrier for the color masterbatch, or the manufacturer's arbitrary change of resin variety

4. Improper machine temperature, especially high temperature, can cause the color masterbatch to stay in the machine for too long, resulting in the burning of the color powder.

Processing procedure: First, check whether the resin variety matches the masterbatch and whether the measurement is accurate, and then adjust the machine temperature or speed.

Article source: Taishan conductive mica particles


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