
Taishan conductive mica particles: graphene conductive mica

2021-07-05 2416

1、 Graphene conductive mica

Graphene conductive mica is a type of mica based material that is coated with one or more layers of conductive graphene on the mica surface and between mica layers through a new process and surface coating techniques.

2、 Product skill indicators


3、 Product application field

Conductive mica powder is simply suitable for any environment and occasion that requires conductivity and anti-static. It can be added to coatings (graphene has excellent anti-corrosion function), plastics, rubber, adhesives, inks, cement, fibers, ceramics to make conductive and anti-static products. It can be widely used in various industrial sectors such as petroleum, chemical, building materials, electronics, electromechanical, communication, cars, medicine, papermaking, textiles, packaging, printing, ships, ceramics, aerospace, weapons, and people's daily conductivity Anti static field.

1. Application of anti-static coating

Advantages: Low usage, adjustable color (black gray to light gray), excellent functionality;

It can also be applied to anti-corrosion coatings to improve their anti-corrosion function and solve the problem of graphene scattering during coating.

Article source: Taishan conductive mica particles http://www.water-i.com/

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