
How to test the electrical resistivity of conductive plastics?

2021-02-25 2835

Many friends at work ask, how is the electrical resistivity of conductive plastics tested? To understand this, we need to first know what definition of resistivity is. Electrical resistivity is a physical quantity used to indicate the electrical resistance characteristics of various substances. The ratio of the product of the resistance and cross-sectional area of a component made of a certain substance (at room temperature of 20 ° C) to its length is called the resistivity of that substance. Resistivity is independent of factors such as the length and cross-sectional area of a conductor. It is the electrical property of the conductor data itself, determined by the conductor data, and is related to temperature. Its international unit is Ω · m.


The formula for calculating the resistivity of conductive plastics is R= ρ L/S, during which ρ It is the resistivity, L is the length of the data, and S is the area. It can be seen that the resistance of data is directly proportional to its length, that is, when the data and cross-sectional area remain constant, the longer the length, the greater the data resistance; and inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the data, that is, when the data and cross-sectional area remain constant, the larger the cross-sectional area, the smaller the resistance.

Article source: Taishan conductive mica particles


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