
The characteristics and application fields of filling masterbatch

2020-11-24 1893

The filling mother guesses that the concentration of fillers and additives is high, and a certain amount of matrix resin needs to be mixed before processing and shaping when used. The fillers mainly play a filling effect. Fillers and additives can endow plastic products with special functions, such as light, electricity, flame retardancy, degradation, etc., and are called functional filler masterbatches. Functional masterbatch generally includes color masterbatch, light conversion masterbatch, insulation film masterbatch, anti fog masterbatch, and degradation masterbatch. Color masterbatch is a specialized granular material used to color plastic products. It can be classified into polyolefins, ABS, PS, and AS based on the type of plastic being colored. The consumption process of color masterbatch generally consists of two steps: first, to prepare pigment pre dispersion, that is, to use dispersants or other additives to stop surface treatment of the pigment; The next step is to mix and melt the pigment pre dispersion with the carrier resin to produce a color masterbatch.


Color masterbatch is composed of pigments, dispersants, carrier resins, and appropriate additives. The main effect of dispersant is to make the pigment abundant and evenly dispersed in the carrier resin and matrix resin, ultimately obtaining a plastic product with uniform color. The carrier resin used for color masterbatch should mainly have good compatibility with the colored resin, and secondly, the activity of the carrier resin should be greater than that of the colored resin, in order to better disperse the pigment.

The composition of masterbatch, selection and dosage of pigments depend on the properties of the colored plastic. Generally, masterbatch used for coloring polyolefin plastics has a pigment content of 20% to 40% (mass fraction). Filling masterbatch can be used for processing plastic films, garbage bags, shopping bags, vest bags, packaging bags, etc. It has good dispersibility, no white or black spots on blown films, high fineness, and ensures the glossiness and durability of products.

Article source: Taishan conductive mica particles


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