
Color and dispersion testing of color masterbatch

2020-11-06 1834

We go through a series of tests when producing color masterbatch, commonly including color, dispersibility, ash content, melt index, temperature resistance level, etc.

Color and dispersion testing of color masterbatch:

1. Color detection of color masterbatch: The same material as the carrier is added in proportion (1% or 2%), and a 2.5mm thick thin film is obtained by injection molding at a temperature of 170 ℃ -190 ℃ (depending on the material). The color is compared with the sample. When comparing, light colors can be tested with a colorimeter, while dark colors can be compared and adjusted under good lighting conditions based on experience.

2. Dispersion: Press a thin film with the same proportion and temperature, and investigate the number of pigment particles.


Testing of ash content and melt index:

1. Ash content refers to the proportion of ash produced by burning a certain amount of colorant.

2. Melt index is the value obtained every 10 minutes at a temperature of 190 ℃ and 2.16KG

Article source: Taishan conductive mica particles


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