
Possible problems and solutions when using color masterbatch

2020-09-21 1517

1. Poor dispersion or poor plasticization of color masterbatch.

This process can be carried out as follows: 1. Adjust the temperature slightly increased through the discharge port; 2. Apply some pressure to the mixing chamber of the injection molding machine. If the adjustment is not good, it can disperse matching problems or color masterbatch, masterbatch resin, and solve them with the manufacturing department.

2. Why does the same color masterbatch, resin formula, and injection molding machine display different products with different color depths?

This is often the reason for the injection molding machine. Used for manufacturing injection molding machines, different durations or maintenance conditions can lead to poor mechanical condition, especially for cylinders with varying degrees of proximity and differences to heating elements. This phenomenon can occur when the dispersion of color masterbatch in the cylinder is different.


3. According to the usage rate of the masterbatch, the color is too dark (light)

Although this issue is simple, especially with many possibilities: 1. There is no serious test for the color masterbatch pigment, and there are more or less. 2. The use of measurement is inaccurate. When domestic enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, have the problem of randomly measuring the matching of 3 color masterbatches and resins, this may be due to improper selection of carrier masterbatches, or the manufacturer changing the resin variety. 4. The machine temperature is normal, especially on the high-pressure side, and the color masterbatch stays in the machine for too long, Because of toner. Processing procedure: first check whether the color matches the resin type, measure accurately, and then adjust the temperature and speed of the machine.

Why is changing the color of another brand of resin with the same color masterbatch formula?

The density and melt index of different grades of resin may vary, so the properties of the resin are different. There are differences between compatible color masterbatches, which can change their color. Generally speaking, as long as there is a difference in density and melt index, the color difference will not be too large. You can adjust the color of the masterbatch dosage.

Article source: Taishan conductive mica particles


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