
What are the performance advantages of flame retardant masterbatch?

2020-09-11 964

What are the performance advantages of flame retardant masterbatch?

1. Easy to use flame retardant masterbatch: Most flame retardant masterbatch (masterbatch) are tablet or strip sized particles, which are just the right size for general plastic particles, improving their compatibility, making them easier to disperse and increase, hygienic, and reducing evaporation waste.

2. Flame retardant masterbatch has good compatibility with resin: In general, flame retardant masterbatch (masterbatch) undergoes special treatment to improve its compatibility with plastic resin, making it less prone to delamination, frost, patterns, and other problems even when its participation in the resin is large.


3. Flame retardant masterbatch can reduce costs and increase the added value of products: often through the participation of flame retardant masterbatch (masterbatch), general plastics have or are close to the application requirements of engineering plastics, increasing product added value and reducing raw material costs.

Article source: Taishan conductive mica particles


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