
The reasons for the production of permanent anti-static masterbatch wire drawing

2020-05-15 970

What is the reason for the phenomenon of wire drawing when adding anti-static masterbatch?

Firstly, we need to consider that the raw materials contain moisture, and in the drawing of anti-static masterbatch, bubbles are generated, leading to wire breakage. Therefore, material storage should pay attention to waterproofing, moisture-proof, ventilation, and avoiding direct sunlight. Materials with high moisture content should be dried before use.


Then there is the inappropriate size of the thermal traction ratio. The traction ratio is too small, the wire is not fully stretched, and the tension is small. The thermal traction ratio is high, exceeding the wire value will cause wire breakage.

The third issue is that the hot water tank is too short, and the wire has not reached the maximum value of the anti-static resistance of the mother material due to overheating traction.

The fourth issue is whether the screw speed is fast or slow, and the traction cannot automatically adjust the speed. Causing differences in the thickness of the silk, affecting its tensile strength or breakage.

Article source: Taishan conductive masterbatch


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