
What does modification in the conductive and anti-static plastic industry refer to?

2020-05-15 1063

You may ask, what are the modified properties in the conductive and anti-static plastic industry, and what are the differences between modified plastics and unmodified plastics? In fact, modified plastics modify their properties, including their appearance, transparency, density, processability, mechanical properties, chemical properties, corrosion resistance, aging resistance, wear resistance, hardness, flame retardancy, barrier properties, and other aspects.

Change the conductive and anti-static plastic raw materials to what the customer needs, for example, if the customer wants conductive or anti-static plastic with good toughness and flame retardant properties. So our modification method works.


The principle of toughening modification: A toughening agent is an additive added to a resin to improve its impact strength and elongation, enhancing the toughness and low-temperature performance of the material.

The principle of flame retardant modification: In many industries such as electronics and automotive, materials are required to have flame retardancy. Improving flame retardancy can be achieved by adding flame retardants.

Article source: Taishan conductive masterbatch


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