
Dispersants used in color masterbatch

2021-01-12 2160

The function of dispersant is to evenly disperse the color masterbatch and no longer agglomerate. The dispersant should have good compatibility with the resin and have certain thermal stability; The melting point should be lower than resin to facilitate melting and complete dispersion; It also needs to have a good affinity with pigments.

(1) Generally speaking, dispersants used in color masterbatch include: white oil, zinc stearate, polyethylene wax, stearic acid, white wax, EBS, etc. However, before selecting, it is necessary to first understand the situation of using the color masterbatch. Different types require different single dispersants.


(2) If used as a filling agent, it is better to use titanium acid or aluminum ester. If the induction effect is relatively good, composite dispersants can be considered; Taking into account price and cost, you can participate in a certain share of single white wax, and use polyethylene single cracking wax as a dispersant to achieve better results.

Article source: Taishan conductive mica particles


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