
Can PP flame retardant masterbatch be used in household appliances?

2020-12-22 1694

As is well known, polypropylene has good mechanical properties, electrical insulation performance, processing performance, and heat resistance above 100 ℃. As a result, PP is widely used in the automotive and home appliance industries. Many grades of modified PP can meet the production of household appliance components for different needs. At the same time, the extensive use of PP has also reduced the weight of inspection points and improved the production efficiency of manufacturers, which is highly welcomed by everyone.

However, PP has a low oxygen index and is prone to combustion, which increases the danger of household appliances. PP flame retardant masterbatch needs to be added. However, not all flame retardants are suitable for household appliances.

1. Any flame retardant added to PP will have an impact on its mechanical properties, especially its impact strength. The more you add, the greater the impact. This requires manufacturers to choose flame retardants with low additives and good flame retardant effects.


2. Compatibility. The compatibility between flame retardants and PP not only affects the flame retardant effect of PP, but also affects the appearance of the product. Generally, it is necessary to choose flame retardants that are lower than the processing temperature of PP, which can make flame retardants effectively compatible with PP and also facilitate the control of production processes.

3. Thermal stability. The processing time and heating process of flame retardant PP used in household appliance production are relatively long. Some flame retardants will decompose at a certain heating temperature, which not only affects flame retardancy but also causes discoloration of the product, resulting in uncontrollable defective products.

Article source: Taishan conductive PP masterbatch


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