
The cost issue of using color masterbatch in plastic product processing

2020-10-19 1100

In most cases, this is the case. But in some cases, using masterbatch coloring is actually more economical than using powder coloring, because colorists can achieve the coloring effect of higher priced pigments by combining several lower priced pigments.

We also need to consider the following two phenomena:

In many cases, plastic product manufacturers choose pigments that are not economical when using color powders for color matching. However, due to unfamiliarity with pigments and repeated testing during color matching, the waste of manpower and materials is very common. The use of color masterbatch does not have this problem.


2. Products colored with color masterbatch and products colored with color powder have different levels, and their prices are also higher. The higher prices are often higher than the cost of adding color masterbatch, so color masterbatch can actually be invented; Profit;. From this perspective, in some cases, using masterbatch coloring is more economical than using toner coloring.

Article source: Taishan conductive mica particles


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