
Introduction to the production process of black masterbatch

2020-10-30 1498

Black masterbatch is widely used in the plastic processing industry, such as injection molding, extrusion molding, and blow molding. In real life, it is widely used in the injection molding of automotive plastic parts, the extrusion molding of plastic pipes, and the production of agricultural films and geotechnical materials.

Production process:

(1) Ink method: literally, it refers to the production method of using ink paste in black masterbatch production, which involves three rolls of grinding and coating a low molecular protective layer on the surface of the pigment. After grinding, the fine color paste is mixed with the carrier resin, and then plasticized by a two roll plastic mixer (also known as a double roll open mill), and granulated by a single screw or double screw extruder.


(2) Scouring method: It is the process of sanding pigments, water, and dispersants to reduce the particle size of pigments to less than 1 μ m. And through the phase transfer method, the pigment is transferred into the oil phase, and then dried to obtain the color masterbatch. Organic solvents and corresponding solvent recovery equipment are required for phase conversion.

(3) Pinching method: It is the process of mixing pigments and oil-based carriers, using the characteristic of pigment being lipophilic, and then kneading to wash the pigment from the water phase into the oil phase. At the same time, the surface of the pigment is coated by an oily carrier, which disperses and stabilizes the pigment, avoiding its agglomeration.

Article source: Taishan conductive mica particles


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