
What is the hue of the white masterbatch?

2020-12-01 1519

As is well known, white masterbatch is processed from titanium dioxide, resin, and additives. The important component that determines the color phase of white masterbatch is titanium dioxide. Today taishan conductive mica particles The editor will take you to learn some common knowledge about titanium dioxide.

Rutile titanium dioxide has a lower reflectivity in the purple light region; Therefore, rutile type titanium dioxide has a "yellowish" color tone, which can give the colored product a "stale" feeling and reduce the brightness and layering of fine printed drawings; This is not popular among many white masterbatch users.


After adding a small amount of fluorescent whitening agent next to titanium dioxide, it can absorb ultraviolet light with a wavelength of 300-400nm and convert it into blue fluorescence with a wavelength of 400-500nm. This can make the white masterbatch appear "blue phase", and users of the white masterbatch need to consider according to their own needs.

Article source: Taishan conductive mica particles


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