
What is the material composition of flame retardant masterbatch?

2020-11-09 1468

What is the material composition of flame retardant masterbatch?

Flame retardant masterbatch, also known as flame retardant masterbatch or fireproof masterbatch. It is a type of product that occurs to meet the fire protection requirements of plastic and rubber products.

With the advancement of technology and the improvement of living standards, polymer materials, especially synthetic polymers such as plastics and rubber, are becoming increasingly important in people's lives, and their use is showing a trend of expanding year by year. However, most organic polymer materials have varying degrees of flammability in the air. In order to achieve their use in many industries such as transportation, power, and civil use, flame retardant modification has become a new topic. The current ideal method for flame retardant modification of plastics is often to improve their fire resistance by adding flame retardants or flame retardant masterbatch products.


Flame retardant masterbatch (bromine/halogenated), also known as flame retardant masterbatch, is one of the excellent flame retardant products in plastics, rubber and other resins today. Flame retardant masterbatch is a granular product made by organic combination, modification and synergistic effect of various flame retardant components on the basis of flame retardants, and through mixing, extrusion, and granulation using twin-screw or triple screw extruders. Unlike flame retardants, flame retardant masterbatch has the advantages of easy addition in resin, cleanliness and hygiene, high flame retardant power, small increase in amount, small impact on the mechanical function of resin, less susceptibility to adverse phenomena such as layering, pattern, and separation after addition, saving labor, material costs, and time. Generally speaking, the dispersibility, flowability, compatibility with resin, thermal stability, and weather resistance of flame retardant masterbatch in resin are greatly superior to those of general flame retardants. In addition, flame retardant masterbatch with appropriate formula has much better flame retardant power and efficiency (cost-effectiveness) than general flame retardants. So currently, flame retardant masterbatch has become one of the better choices for flame retardant plastic products to meet fire protection requirements, and has become an effective substitute for flame retardant powder.

Article source: Taishan conductive mica particles


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